Annuals of the WaPo

‘Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful’

‘Laylor Torenz’

VA Medical Center:

Ann– We’d like to thank everyone for showing up today,


Ann– I’m sorry miss, this meeting is for veterans.

T,L: Yes I know. I’m not a veteran, but I’m, um, ‘Laylor Torenz’. I have SUCH TERRIBLE ptsd and I thought that sharing my story with those with less acute cases might help them recover faster.

Ann– I’m sorry, but this IS for veterans who

T,L: I KNOW. I HEARD YOU. BUT MY PTSD IS SO, SO SO TERRIBLE. How could it NOT help these poor unfortunates.

Could you move that persons, I’m sorry I don’t know what your pronoun is, stretcher out of the way so I can sit.

Can you move the ventilator please, it’s exhaling all over me? (shiver) Thank you.

HI, I’m, um. Laylor Torenz and I have terrible ptsd.

Aren’t they supposed to say ‘HI TAYLOR’ um, ‘hi LAYLOR’ back to me?

Ann– I’m going to have to ask you to leave

T,L: I KNOW, I KNOW. I have to leave ALL MY PRECONCEPTIONS of how terrible my ptsd is and the terrible effects it’s having on my personal life OUTSIDE in the hall when I walk through the door.


T,L: OHMY! Don’t you know how triggering that is? Please ask that person to hold onto their crutches a LITTLE-MORE-SECURELY?

It’s not like you’re missing BOTH your arms.

Back to MY story.

I MAY BE a world famous, oh, you might call me a ‘personality’.  Yes I, OH MY GOD!

Could you PLEASE ask that person to turn to the right. They don’t have a face and I can’t think when I have to look at them.

Give me a moment.

(turns her chair).

T,L: OH! Yuck!

Why is THAT person turning blue?

What are they trying to say?

MY ptsd is terrible and I CAN STILL TALK.


Joe– you

T,L: YOU…?

Joe– are (weeze)


Joe– onmy

T,L: YOU ARE OMMY? No I’m not your MOMMY, but what can mommy do for you?

Joe– oxy…

Chuck– Damn IDIOT you’re on his oxygen line!


Chuck– I’m sorry ‘Laylor’, My name is Chuck, I have ptsd. You say ‘HI CHUCK’. I say, I don’t have any LEGS. Else I’d walk over and kick your BUTT off of Joes OXYGEN LINE.

T,L: Well, you’re aggressive. I MOVED. See. ‘JOE’ is not blue anymore. And I WORKED with a man named CHUCK who, I can say it now, there were so many, many, many microaggressions that it literally took weeks of therapy for me to realize how bad they were.

I couldn’t have said that last year.


‘Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding’.

Oh. I’m sorry. I don’t have any more time. I have a selfie that has to be posted at 12, I’m very secure in my beauty.


Before I was so harassed for my looks that I wished for so long that I wasn’t so talented AND beautiful.

I’m better now.

I hope you all learned that just because you AREN’T beautiful and have NO talent you don’t need ptsd because no one will harass you for it.

I have SOME pull in, the media, and I’ll see if we can’t do a special or something like that on people with no chances who are really okay with it?

Thank you.

I’m ‘Laylor Torenz’. Bye.



Didn’t I ask someone to move that ventilator? Someone should plug it back in.